Newsletter Articles


We are pleased to provide periodically published industry articles that cover topics which may affect the operation and administration of your retirement plan.

Give them a read and let us know if you have questions about how the information may apply to your situation.

Cost of Living Adjustments for 2025 are here!

Cost of Living Adjustments for 2025 are here!

On November 1, 2024, the IRS announced the Cost of Living Adjustments (COLAs) affecting the dollar limitations for retirement plans for 2025. In October, the Social Security Administration announced a modest benefit increase of 2.5%.

IRS PLR Opens New Flexibility in Employee Benefits Plans

IRS PLR Opens New Flexibility in Employee Benefits Plans

Earlier this year, the IRS issued guidance via Private Letter Ruling 202434006, which highlights significant flexibility for employers in structuring its benefit plans. The ruling paves the way for employers to offer tailored benefits packages that cater to…

Best Practices: Year-End Notice Round-Up

Best Practices: Year-End Notice Round-Up

It’s hard to believe, but summer is coming to an end. As we move into the fall, now is a great time to ensure plan sponsor clients are ready for year-end requirements. As a quick reference, included below are some common year-end notices for retirement plans and…

Washington Update: Fiduciary Rule Changes, Again

Washington Update: Fiduciary Rule Changes, Again

Regular readers will remember that we wrote in last quarter’s newsletter about the final fiduciary rule, released by the Department of Labor (DOL) in April of this year. The rule finalized…

Year End Notice Round-Up

Year End Notice Round-Up

News You Can Use! for Advisors and CPAs: now’s the time to make sure everyone is ready for year-end requirements. Here’s a quick reference for some common year-end notices for retirement plans.

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