Plan Design and Implementation
The Pension Source team helps business owners establish a qualified retirement plan that is designed to fit their specific need. For each client, we’ll consider your personal retirement goals, the long-range objectives for the business, as well as the needs of their employees. If you already have a plan in place, our experts can assess its effectiveness and make recommendations for needed changes.
Though the process of designing and implementing a retirement plan is a detailed and complex undertaking, we’re up to the task. As a client, you’ll work with a team of professionals who will guide and manage every step. We will:
Design an effective and efficient plan that is tailored to meet the needs of the owners, employees and the business itself.
When appropriate, review existing plan provisions and
recommend changes that will better align with your business goals.
Prepare plan documents as required by IRS rules and
regulations, and request an IRS determination letter if needed.
Prepare the Summary Plan Description to be distributed to plan participants.
Review and prepare enrollment and administrative materials.
Conduct employee meetings to communicate plan benefits.